Supporting You in Living Your Best Life Ever!
I welcome you with a joyful heart and look forward to working with you.
Some Frequently Asked Questions...​
Q. What is a Centers for Spiritual Living Practitioner?
A. A CSL Practitioner is a highly trained spiritual coach and confidant who has undergone years of study and practice, completed internships, passed stringent written exams and oral panels, and has been licensed by Centers for Spiritual Living.
Q. Is working with a Practitioner different from working with a therapist?
A. Yes. The main difference in working with a Practitioner is that we approach the issue or situation from a spiritual perspective and find solutions in the realm of all possibilities...the realm of Spirit. We understand that treating the problem at the level of the problem rarely brings about resolution and can delay healing. A session with a Practitioner invites God into what is going on in your life today, how you are thinking and feeling today, and how you want to be experiencing life from this moment forward. The spiritual solution and shift is often easy and immediate. Being supported by a highly qualified Practitioner is a wonderful way to realize and experience the goodness of God more fully in your life.
"You are not a drop in the ocean.
You are the entire ocean in one drop." ~ Rumi